Doctor Who Lost Episode

It was December, 1992. I went to the BBC for a vacation. The president-CEO-guy, NAME AND ADDRESS WITHHELD, was willing to let me in on a little secret. He found a ''lost''- never broadcast, never shown, ''lost'' episode. He popped the film reel in the VHS player. It didn't work. We tried the film reel projector. IT WORKED! It was a 7th Doctor episode, but you wouldn't tell from the beginning. It began like the 5th Doctor's intro, and after the sting, the Season 11 vortex was overlaid on top of it. The vortex was gone when the face showed up- Sylvester McCoy's. The logo was the Season 11-17 logo, but as a neon outline. All the while, the theme played like normal- BUT IT WASN'T NORMAL! The theme was some weird amalgamation of the Derbyshire 1967, Howell, and Glynn themes. The title was "Revenge of the Daleks". Generic, generic, etc. The episode began with the TARDIS materializing on Skaro. 7 then poked his head out and said "Odd, I thought this place was destroyed a while back." Ace then said "Yes... odd..." She then cocked her head. 7 didn't find ''this'' odd one bit. He walked around, finding nothing. Ace followed him, muttering... something. I couldn't hear crap. Yep. 7 looked at Ace and said "Ace, is something wrong?" Ace said, "You are..." and then tried to choke him. 7 was all like "Ace, why?" and then a black Dalek with a red eye and blood red bumps went up and, in a more human voice than normal, said "Ace is no longer here. She has sold her soul to the Daleks in order to become the Master of Destruction. More destructive than us. More destructive than the Cybermen. More destructive than the Master. More than you." 7 asked "Whatever do you mean?" The Dalek replied "Oh, Doctor... you have done so much more damage than anyone could have dreamed of. If the road to Armageddon is paved with well intentions, then you have built a freeway." A clip of 7 destroying Skaro from "Rememberance of the Daleks" played. "You have destroyed our world." A clip of 6 choking Peri from "The Twin Dilemma" played. "You have slaughtered your companions." A clip of 4 about to destroy all of Dalek kind from "Genesis of the Daleks" played. "You almost wiped out our entire species." Dissolve to a closeup of 7. "Yes, Doctor, ''you ''are a murderer, and it is time you get what's coming to you..." All that time, 7 was yelling "NO! STOP! PLEASE! AAAAAAAAH!" and all that. The Dalek yelled "Exterminate him!" Ace broke 7's neck and walked away. The camera closed in on 7's face as multicolored lights started to shine. The credits played. I went home and had a sandwich. THE END.